To run perl debugger with locale support use -Mlocale switch !
#!/usr/local/bin/perl $uc='ABCDáâ÷çäåöúéëìíîïðòóôõæèãþûýÿùøüàñ'; $a=$uc; $a =~ s/(.)/[\U$1\L$1]/g; print "MIXED:$a\n";You must get (Don't forget set LC_CTYPE to koi8-r):
MIXED:[Aa][Bb][Cc][Dd][áÁ][âÂ][÷×][çÇ][äÄ][åÅ][öÖ][úÚ][éÉ][ëË][ìÌ][íÍ][îÎ][ïÏ][ðÐ][òÒ][óÓ][ôÔ][õÕ][æÆ][èÈ][ãÃ][þÞ][ûÛ][ýÝ][ÿß][ùÙ][øØ][üÜ][àÀ][ñÑ]But perl 5.003 has no support for LC_COLLATE and if you try
#!/usr/bin/perl @a=('À','Â','Á'); print sort @a;the output will be
ÀÁÂwhich isn't we expected. The right answer would be if you have right LC_COLLATE and system has support for them.
ÁÂÀHere is a patch by Jarkko Hietaniemi to perl v. 5.003_05, which is available at CPAN or here. Please note, this is not an official release, on my system I have an official perl 5.003 and this development version renamed as perl8. Here is some semi-official notes about status of the patch.
#!/bin/sh LD_PRELOAD=/lib/547old/ export LD_PRELOAD /usr/local/bin/netscape $*You may try this
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