Download gd-2.0.35-koi8.tar.gz with koi8 fonts.
OBSOLETED !!! Update (Mon Jan 31 20:30:13 MSK 2005)
I updated 'bdftogd' script to get it works with new libgd (tested 2.0.33). Old version is still available as 'bdftogd.old'. Update (obsoleted):
Get gif-enabled libgd from My fonts works.
Patched arhive with gif support and koi8 fonts and patched perl interface is a perl5 interface to Thomas Boutell's gd library. Visit GD home page for more information.
Original information about how to use non-latin fonts and GD is here.
Download gd-koi8.tgz
Short instruction: 1. Be sure you have GD ver. 1.19 (get it from CPAN), 2. Unpack archive somewhere - tar xzvf gd-koi8.tgz 3. cd gd-koi8 4. run shell script: mkgd-cyr 5. Copy gdfont*.{c,h} into GD-1.19/libgd/ directory 6. remake GD module 7. test new fonts: ./fonttest |xv - 8. If everything is ok, make install and enjoy
Now you can make a pictures with Perl like this graph.