#!/usr/bin/perl #$CONFIG_DIR = '/usr/local/etc/httpd/wdb'; $CONFIG_DIR = '/u/3/megera/WWW/conf'; $CONFIG_FILE = 'wdb-p95-1.0.conf'; #$debug = 1; #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.IDENTIFICATION wdb-p95 #.LANGUAGE Perl script which uses Pg.pm # #.PURPOSE WWW Database Interface. # #.AUTHOR Bo Frese Rasmussen [ST-ECF] # Doug Dunlop [EOL/ISTS] # #.VERSION 1.0 14/06-1994 Creation #.VERSION 1.1 11/10-1994 The following bugs where fixed : # Query on 0 was ignored. # Range query (..) f...ed up subsequent # queries in the same form. # Range queries on datatime fields didn't # work. # # Dateformat config. option added. # #.VERSION 1.2 30/12-1994 Support for spec. null values added. # 'add_menu' function to allow extra menu # options to be added from fdf. # Fixed bug with continuation lines for # field attributes. # #.VERSION 1.3a1 03/03-1995 'sameline' field attribute # added. # 'html' field attribute added. # Perl5 compatible. # Query on computed fields. # Uses single quotes rather than # double quotes around strings. # #.VERSION 1.3a2p 03/03-1995 Customized for use with Postgres95. # #.VERSION 1.4a1 10/11-1995 Modified to work with Postgres95 v1.0 # #.VERSION 1.4.a2 10/25-1995 Added the ability to sort and page # #.VERSION 1.4.a3 11/02-1995 Exclusive use of CGI.pm for parameters; # column sorts by header click; defined # wdb_new_ and wdb_undef_ parameters. #.VERSION 1.4.a4 11/14-1995 Changed to use new config file names #.VERSION 1.4.b1 11/28-1995 More enhancements #.VERSION 1.4.b2 11/30-1995 Fixed a bug in hidden field handling # and added force_select attribute. # #.COPYRIGHT (see end of file) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $version = "wdb-p95 v1.4b1(+patch)"; $rel_date = "Jul-01-1996"; $short_version = "1.4"; #------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare STDOUT and STDERR #------------------------------------------------------- open(STDERR,">&STDOUT") || die "Can't dup stdout: $!\n"; select(STDERR); $| = 1; # Make unbuffered. select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # Make unbuffered. #------------------------------------------------------- # CGI library must be on the perl library path #------------------------------------------------------- use CGI; $wdb_query = new CGI; print $wdb_query->header; ### DEBUG ### if ( $debug ) { print "

Variables from form

\n"; print $wdb_query->dump, "

\n"; print $wdb_query->query_string, "

\n"; } ############## #------------------------------------------------------- # Get local configuration parameters. #------------------------------------------------------- if ( -f "$CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILE" ) { do "$CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILE" || die "Error reading configuration file $CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILE: $@\n"; } else { die "Configuration file '$CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_FILE' not found ?\n"; } #------------------------------ # Parse info from Web Client #------------------------------ ( $void , $dbdir, $formname, $action ) = split( '/', $wdb_query->path_info(), 5 ); $WDB = ( $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} ) ? $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} : "/cgi-bin/wdb"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEBUG stuff... # If your are making changes to the wdb script you might find it usefull # to have a test/development version and an installed version. Set the # variable $debug in your configuration file. # This will enable some extra debug output to be printed in the HTML # pages and in a debug file. If you are making changes to wdb, please # let me know. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $debug ) { if ( $action eq "form" ) { open(DEBUG,"> $debugfile"); printf DEBUG "*** $version : $dbdir / $formname ".`date`." ***\n\n"; } else { open(DEBUG,">> $debugfile"); } select(DEBUG); $| = 1; # Make unbuffered. select(STDOUT); foreach $env ( sort keys(%ENV) ) { printf DEBUG "$env = $ENV{$env}\n"; } } #--------------------- # Main() ... #--------------------- &ParseFile("$formdir/$dbdir/$formname.fdf"); &PrepareParams(); ### DEBUG ### if ( $debug ) { print "

Variables from form

\n"; print $wdb_query->dump, "

\n"; } ############## #------------------------------------------------ # Decide what to do and then do it #------------------------------------------------ if ( $action eq "form" ) { &PrintForm; } elsif ( $action eq "query" || $action eq "default") { &DoQuery; } else { print $helptext; print "Unknown action in PATH_INFO\n"; exit 2; } exit 1; #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Parse a form definition file ('fdf' file) # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS True, or not at all .... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ParseFile { local( $file ) = @_; open( FDF, $file ) || die "Can't open $file: $!\n"; $lineno = 0; while ( ) { $lineno++; #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a line of the form : "key=value". Comments and unnessesary # blanks are skipped. (blanks in the middel of values are kept!) # The key should start at the 1. character on the line - lines # starting with whitespace are interpreted as continuation lines. #----------------------------------------------------------------- next if /^#.*$/; ($key, $void, $val) = /^(\w+)\s*(=\s*((\s*\".*\"|\s*[^#\s\n]+)+))?\s*(#.*)?$/; # /^(\w+)\s*(=\s*((\s*[^#\"\s\n]+|\s*\".*\")+))?\s*(#.*)?$/; if ( ! $key ) { # Continuation line ... ($val) = /^\s*((\s*[^#\s\n]+)+)\s*(#.*)?$/; next unless $val; if ( $old_attr_type eq 'form' ) { $form{$old_attr_key} .= "\n$val"; } else { $field{$old_attr_key} .= "\n$val"; } next; } #-------------------------------------------------- # Begining of a new FIELD definition ? #-------------------------------------------------- if ( $key eq "FIELD" ) { if ( $current ) { # If not first field, check old field if ( ! $field{$current,'label'} ) { $field{$current,'label'} = $current; } } $current = $val; push( @fields, $val ); next; } #-------------------------- # Is it a FORM attribute ? #-------------------------- if ( ! $current ) { # Defs' before first field are form defs' $form{$key} = $val; $old_attr_key = $key; $old_attr_type = 'form'; next; } #-------------------------- # It's a FIELD attribute. #-------------------------- if ( $key eq "key" ) { unshift( @keys, $current); } else { #### CHANGED for Perl5 ### $val = 'TRUE' unless defined $val; #### $field{$current,$key} = $val; $old_attr_key = "$current$;$key"; $old_attr_type = 'field'; } } #-------------------------------------------------------- # If a 'PERL' attribute exists in the form : Evaluate it #-------------------------------------------------------- if ( $form{'PERL'} ) { eval $form{'PERL'}; if ( $@ ) { print "Error in the forms PERL attribute :

\n $@\n"; die "Exiting...\n"; } } } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Handle various complexities of parameter passing and validation # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrepareParams { #---------------------------------------------------------- # Handle delete and new parameter GET requests first #---------------------------------------------------------- foreach $name ($wdb_query->param) { if (defined $wdb_query->param("wdb_new_$name")) { $wdb_query->param($name,$wdb_query->param("wdb_new_$name")); $wdb_query->delete("wdb_new_$name"); # don't pass print "new $name\n" if $debug; } if ( defined $wdb_query->param("wdb_undef_$name") ) { $wdb_query->delete($name); $wdb_query->delete("wdb_undef_$name"); # don't pass print "deleting $name\n" if $debug; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Eliminate all of the the blank parameters for shorter self_url #---------------------------------------------------------------- @param = $wdb_query->param; foreach $param ( @param ) { $wdb_query->delete($param) if ($wdb_query->param($param) eq ""); } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Remove duplicate and undefined Order parameters #---------------------------------------------------------- if (defined $wdb_query->param('Order0')) { $wdb_query->param('Order3',$wdb_query->param('Order2')); $wdb_query->param('Order2',$wdb_query->param('Order1')); $wdb_query->param('Order1',$wdb_query->param('Order0')); $wdb_query->delete('Order0'); } if (lc $wdb_query->param('Order1') eq 'none') { $wdb_query->delete('Order1'); } if ($wdb_query->param('Order2') eq $wdb_query->param('Order1') || lc $wdb_query->param('Order2') eq 'none') { $wdb_query->delete('Order2'); } if ($wdb_query->param('Order3') eq $wdb_query->param('Order1') || $wdb_query->param('Order3') eq $wdb_query->param('Order2') || lc $wdb_query->param('Order3') eq 'none') { $wdb_query->delete('Order3'); } if (!defined $wdb_query->param('Order1')) { $wdb_query->param('Order1',$wdb_query->param('Order2')); $wdb_query->delete('Order2'); } if (!defined $wdb_query->param('Order2')) { $wdb_query->param('Order2',$wdb_query->param('Order3')); $wdb_query->delete('Order3'); } #------------------------------------------------ # Put the parameters into easy to access hash #------------------------------------------------ foreach $name ($wdb_query->param) { $in{$name} = join(" OR ",$wdb_query->param($name)); # $in{$name} = $wdb_query->param($name); # print "$in{$name} $name \n" if $debug; } $wdb_query->delete('skip'); # Never passed on } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Print an HTML query form # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS True, or not at all .... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrintForm { #----------------------------- # Print HTML header stuff #----------------------------- $header = ( $form{'Q_HEADER'} ) ? "$form{'Q_HEADER'}" : "$form{'TITLE'} - Query Form"; if ( $form{'DOCURL'} ) { $header = "" . $header . ""; } print $wdb_query->start_html($form{'TITLE'}); print "


\n"; if ( $form{'Q_HTML'} ) { print "$form{'Q_HTML'}\n"; } else { print "Please enter qualifiers in the fields"; print " below and press the 'Search' button.\n"; } print "
"; &write_menu; print "\n

  # Print fields
  $max = 0;
  foreach $f ( @fields ) {
    if ( (!defined $field{$f,'no_query'}) && (!defined $field{$f,'hidden'}) ) {
      $max= length($field{$f,'label'}) if length($field{$f,'label'}) > $max;
  $format = "%-" . $max . "s";

  push (@sortkeys,'none');
  foreach $f ( @fields ) {
    next if defined $field{$f,'hidden'};

    if ( defined $field{$f,'sortkey'}
         && ! defined $field{$f,'no_query'} ) {
      push(@sortkeys, $f);

    if ( defined $field{$f,'no_query'} ) {
      if ( ! defined $field{$f,'no_tab'}
           && ! defined $field{$f,'hidden'} 
           && ! defined $field{$f,'forcetab'} ) { 
        push( @extrafields, $f );
    print "\n" if ( $notfirstfield++ && ! defined $field{$f,'sameline'} );
    print &eval_attr( $f,'html') if defined $field{$f,'html'};

    # Checkbox : In tabular output ? 
    print "";

    # Label
    if ( $field{$f,'help'} ) {
      print DEBUG "help field : $field{$f,'help'}\n" if $debug;
      $help = &eval_attr( $f,'help');
      print DEBUG "help : $help\n" if $debug;
      print "";
      print $field{$f,'label'};
      print "";
    } else {
      print $field{$f,'label'};

    if ( ! defined $field{$f,'sameline'} ) {
      print "." x ($max - length($field{$f,'label'})) ;
      print " :";
    print "";

    # Query field : Selection box or Text input field.

    if ( $field{$f,'enum_multiple'} ) {
      print " ";
     } else {
 if ( $field{$f,'enum'} ) {
      print " ";
    } else {
      if ( $field{$f,'length'} > (55-$max) ) {
        $length = (55-$max) ;
      } else {
        $length = $field{$f,'length'};
      if ( $field{$f,'default'} && $in{'requery'} ne 'on') {
        $default = eval $field{$f,'default'};
        if ( $@ ) {
          print "Error in $f"."'s  'default' attribute :

\n $@\n"; die "Exiting...\n"; } } else { $default = ""; } $default = $in{$f} if defined $in{$f}; print " "; } #------------- # Unit label #------------- print " $field{$f,'unitlabel'}" if ( $field{$f,'unitlabel'} ); } } #------------------------------ # Print the rest of the page. #------------------------------ print "

"; if ( @extrafields ) { print ""; print "Extra columns on tabular output : "; print " \n"; } if (defined $form{'ORDER'}) { foreach $sk ( @sortkeys ) { $sortkeys{$sk} = $field{$sk,'label'}; } $sortkeys{'none'} = 'None'; # for convienience print "
Order by: "; print $wdb_query->popup_menu('Order1', \@sortkeys, $sortkeys[0], \%sortkeys); print " then "; print $wdb_query->popup_menu('Order2', \@sortkeys, $sortkeys[0], \%sortkeys); print " then "; print $wdb_query->popup_menu('Order3', \@sortkeys, $sortkeys[0], \%sortkeys); } print "
\n"; if (defined $form{'ASK_FULL'}) { print " Use full-screen output even if more than one row is returned.
\n"; } if (defined $form{'ROW_COUNT'}) { print "Return tables with a maximum of rows per page. (max: $MAXROWCOUNT)\n"; } &write_menu; &html_tail; $wdb_query->end_html; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Retrieve a query, execute it, and print the result. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub DoQuery { # Timeout not implemented yet. #$SIG{'SIGALARM'} = 'timeout'; #$SIG{'SIGIO'} = 'timeout'; #-------------------------- # Load database interface. #-------------------------- if ( -f "$CONFIG_DIR/$DBI_FILE" ) { do "$CONFIG_DIR/$DBI_FILE" || die "Error loading database interface file $CONFIG_DIR/$DBI_FILE :\n$@\n"; } else { die "Database interface file '$CONFIG_DIR/$DBI_FILE' not found ?\n"; } #-------------------------- # Print HTML Header stuff. #-------------------------- if ( $action eq "query" ) { $header = ( $form{'R_HEADER'} ) ? "$form{'R_HEADER'}" : "$form{'TITLE'} - Query Result"; } else { $header = ( $form{'D_HEADER'} ) ? "$form{'D_HEADER'}" : "$form{'TITLE'} - Default List"; } if ( $form{'DOCURL'} ) { $header = "" . $header . ""; } print "$form{'TITLE'}\n"; print "


\n"; if ( $action eq "query" ) { print "$form{'R_HTML'}\n" if ( $form{'R_HTML'} ); } else { # ($action eq "default") if ( $form{'D_HTML'} ) { print "$form{'D_HTML'}\n"; } else { print "

Press the 'Query' button to change qualifications.

\n"; } } &write_menu; #-------------------------------------------------- # Compose select and where list for the SQL select #-------------------------------------------------- foreach $f ( @fields ) { if (defined $in{"tab_$f"} || defined $field{$f,'forcetab'} || defined $field{$f,'hidden'} || defined $field{$f,'force_select'} || defined $in{'full_screen_mode'} || ($action eq 'default' && defined $field{$f,'default'})) { unless (defined $field{$f,'computed'}) { if ( defined &dbi_fieldnames ) { push(@select, ($field{$f,'column'}) ? $field{$f,'column'} : $f); push( @select_fields, "$f" ); } else { push( @select, "$field{$f,'column'} $f" ); } } } if ( $field{$f,'column'} ) { $col = $field{$f,'column'}; } else { $col = $f; } if ( $action eq "default" ) { if ( $field{$f,'default'} && ! $in{$f} ) { $in{$f} = &SGMLtoASCII( &eval_attr($f,'default',0) ); } } # Ignore '%' fields (from enum fields) $wdb_query->param($f,""), $in{$f} = "" if $in{$f} eq '%'; if ( defined $in{$f} && $in{$f} ne "" ) { if ( defined $field{$f,'computed'} ) { print DEBUG "Evaluating computed field : $f = $in{$f}\n"; print DEBUG "- Compute : $field{$f,'to_db'}\n"; $ret = &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$in{$f}); print DEBUG " = $ret\n"; next; # Don't query on computed fields. } print DEBUG "Parsing $f = '$in{$f}'\n" if $debug; foreach $qual ( split( /\s*\|\s*|\s*\&\s*|\s+OR\s+|\s+or\s+|\s+AND\s+|\s+and\s+/, $in{$f} ) ) { print DEBUG " qual = '$qual'\n" if $debug; ( $oper, $val ) = $qual =~ /^\s*(<=|>=|!=|<|>|==|=|~|!~)?(.*)$/; undef $val2; ( $val1, $val2 ) = split( /\.\./,$qual,2 ) unless $oper; if ( $val2 ) { print DEBUG " range: '$val1' -> '$val2'\n" if $debug; if ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'char' || $field{$f,'type'} eq 'datetime' || $field{$f,'type'} eq 'float' ) { push( @or_where, "$col >= '" . &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$val1) . "' AND " . "$col <= '" . &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$val2) . "'"); } else { push( @or_where, "$col >= '" . &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$val1) . "' AND " . "$col <= '" . &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$val2) . "'"); } } elsif ( defined $val ) { if ($val eq 'NULL') { $val = 'isnull'; push( @or_where, "$col $val"); } elsif ($val eq 'NOTNULL') { $val = 'notnull'; push( @or_where, "$col $val"); } else { $val = &eval_attr($f,'to_db',$val); if ( ! $oper ) { $oper = "==" if ($field{$f,'enum'} || $field{$f,'enum_multiple'}); } if ( $oper ne '==' ) { $val =~ s/^\s*//; # strip white space out at start & end $val =~ s/\s*$//; } print DEBUG " val = '$val'\n" if $debug; if ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'char' ) { $val =~ s/"/""/g; $val =~ s/'/''/g; if ( ! $oper ) { # Default $oper = "~"; $val =~ s/([a-zA-Z])/[\U$1\L$1]/g; } elsif ( $oper eq "=" ) { $oper = "~"; } elsif ( $oper eq "==" ) { $oper = "="; } elsif ( $oper eq "~" ) { $val =~ s/([a-zA-Z])/[\U$1\L$1]/g; } $val =~ s/\*/.*/g if $oper eq "~"; push( @or_where, "$col $oper '$val'"); } elsif ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'datetime' ) { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; # $val =~ s/\*/%/g if $oper eq "~"; push( @or_where, "$col $oper '$val'"); } elsif ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'float' ) { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; push( @or_where, "$col $oper $val"); } elsif ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'int' ) { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; push( @or_where, "$col $oper $val"); } elsif ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'bool' ) { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; push( @or_where, "$col $oper '$val'"); } elsif ( $field{$f,'type'} eq 'oid' ) { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; push( @or_where, "$col $oper $val"); } else { $oper = "=" unless $oper; # Defaul operand is '=' $oper = "=" if $oper eq "=="; push( @or_where, "$col $oper '$val'"); } } } } print DEBUG " WHERE = ".join(" OR ",@or_where)."\n" if $debug; if ( @or_where > 1 ) { push( @where, "(". join(" OR ",@or_where) . ")" ); } else { push( @where, @or_where ); } @or_where = (); } } push( @where, $form{'CONSTRAINTS'}) if $form{'CONSTRAINTS'}; push( @where, $form{'JOIN'}) if $form{'JOIN'}; $selectlist = join(', ',@select); $wherelist = join(' AND ', @where ); $wherelist = "WHERE ".$wherelist if $wherelist; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make ordering hierarchical so Order1 is required to use Order2 etc. #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($in{'Order1'} && $in{'Order1'} ne 'None' && $in{"tab_$in{'Order1'}"}) { $wherelist .= " ORDER BY " . $in{'Order1'}; if ($in{'Order2'} && $in{'Order2'} ne 'None' && $in{"tab_$in{'Order2'}"}) { $wherelist .= ", " . $in{'Order2'}; if ($in{'Order3'} && $in{'Order3'} ne 'None' && $in{"tab_$in{'Order3'}"}){ $wherelist .= ", " . $in{'Order3'}; } } } #------------------------------- # Open database and select data. #------------------------------- &dbi_connect( $form{'HOST'}, $form{'PORT'}, $form{'DATABASE'}, $user, $pswd ); $rowcount = $in{'max_rows_returned'} if $in{'max_rows_returned'}; $rowcount = $MAXROWCOUNT if $rowcount > $MAXROWCOUNT; &dbi_rowcount( $rowcount ); &dbi_dateformat( $DATEFORMAT ) if ( $DATEFORMAT ); &dbi_fieldnames( @select_fields ) if defined &dbi_fieldnames; if ( $debug ) { print DEBUG "\n**** QUERY ****\n"; print DEBUG "use $form{'DATABASE'}\n"; print DEBUG "SELECT $selectlist FROM $form{'TABLE'}\n"; print DEBUG "$wherelist \n\n"; } #------------------------------ # **** Do the SQL Query ****** #------------------------------ &dbi_dosql( "SELECT $selectlist FROM $form{'TABLE'} $wherelist"); #------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the number of matches and see if it is more than a page. # If it is more than a page set up URLs to get other pages #------------------------------------------------------------- $num_matched = &dbi_rowsmatched(); if ( $num_matched > $rowcount ) { $next_strt = $in{'skip'} + $rowcount; $next_strt = 0 if $next_strt >= $num_matched; $prev_strt = $in{'skip'} - $rowcount; $prev_strt = $num_matched - $rowcount if $prev_strt < 0; $strt = $in{'skip'} + 1; $strt = 0 if $strt < 0; $stop = $in{'skip'} + $rowcount; $stop = $num_matched if $stop > $num_matched; if ($strt > 1 ) { $prev_url = $wdb_query->self_url . "&skip=$prev_strt"; $prev_href = " "; } if ($stop < $num_matched) { $next_url = $wdb_query->self_url . "&skip=$next_strt"; $next_href = " "; } } $i = 0; while ( ($i < $in{'skip'}) && (%myrow = &dbi_nextrow) ) { $i++ } # Skip to desire rows $numrows=0; #------------------------------------------ # No data returned so print SQL query only #------------------------------------------ if ( ! (%myrow = &dbi_nextrow ) ) { print "

No data returned !

\n"; print "Please go 'Back' to the query form and re-specify your query.\n"; print "

\n"; print "

Your Query :

\n"; foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( defined $in{$f} && $in{$f} ne "" ) { print "$field{$f,'label'} : $in{$f}
\n"; } } print "

\n"; print "

SQL Query used.

\n"; $query = "SELECT $selectlist FROM $form{'TABLE'} $wherelist
\n"; $query =~ s/\b(FROM|WHERE|AND|OR|ORDER BY)\b/
$1/gi; print "$query"; &html_tail; $wdb_query->end_html; return; } #---------------- # Print all rows. #---------------- # $numrows++; $output_mode='full'; $output_mode='table' unless defined $in{'full_screen_mode'}; print "$prev_href" if defined $prev_href; &PrintTabHead if $output_mode eq 'table'; do { $numrows++; if ( $output_mode eq 'full' ) {# Other rows Full screen mode output &PrintVars(%myrow); } else { # Other rows Table mode output &PrintTabVars(%myrow); } } while( (%myrow = &dbi_nextrow) && $numrows < $rowcount ); print "\n" if $output_mode eq 'table'; &wdb_usage if defined &wdb_usage; # Update usage statistics (if defined) &dbi_disconnect; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the number of matches exceeds a page then put a link to next page. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print "$next_href" if defined $next_href; print "
A total of $num_matched rows were retrieved\n" if $output_mode eq 'table'; if ( $num_matched > $rowcount ) { print "and you are currently viewing rows $strt to $stop.\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the FORM defines SQL then show the SQL query in a popup menu #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (defined $form{'SQL'} && lc($form{'SQL'}) eq 'on') { $query = "SELECT $selectlist FROM $form{'TABLE'} $wherelist\n"; $query =~ s/\b(FROM|WHERE|AND|OR|ORDER BY)\b/\n$1/gi; $query =~ s/\b(.{30,45}),/$1,\n/g; # break into pieces @query = split(/\n/,$query); print $wdb_query->startform; print "SQL Query: ", $wdb_query->popup_menu('SQL',\@query); print $wdb_query->endform; } &html_tail; ### DEBUG ### if ( $debug ) { print "


\n"; print "use $form{'DATABASE'}
\n"; print "SELECT $selectlist FROM $form{'TABLE'}
\n"; print "$wherelist
\n"; print "
\n"; } ############## $wdb_query->end_html; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Print variables in 'full-screen' format. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrintVars { local (%val) = @_; #---------------------------- # Find max length of titles. #---------------------------- $max = 0; foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( &FieldInFull ( $f ) ) { $max = length($field{$f,'label'}) if length($field{$f,'label'}) > $max; } } $format = "%-" . $max . "s"; #------------- # Print header #------------- if ( $form{'RECTOP'} ) { $rectop = eval $form{'RECTOP'}; if ( $@ ) { print "Error in the 'RECTOP' attribute :

\n $@\n"; die "Exiting...\n"; } print "


\n"; } print "
\n"; #----------------------- # Now print each field. #----------------------- foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( &FieldInFull ( $f ) ) { next if defined $field{$f,'hidden'}; # Ignore hidden fields next if defined $field{$f,'no_full'}; # Ignore no_full fields print DEBUG "html attribute for $f = $field{$f,'html'} \n"; # print "
\n" if ( ! defined $field{$f,'sameline'} ); print "
" if defined $field{$f,'html'}; print "
\n" if ( ! defined $field{$f,'sameline'} ); print " "; print $field{$f,'label'}; print "." x ($max - length($field{$f,'label'})) if ( ! defined $field{$f,'sameline'} ); print " : "; $value = &Value( $f, $val{$f} ); print " $value"; ### Oleg # print " $field{$f,'unitlabel'}" if ( $field{$f,'unitlabel'} ); # print "
\n"; } } print "\n"; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Print column headers for tabular output. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrintTabHead { local( $len ); print "\n\n"; foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( &FieldInTab( $f ) ) { $len = $field{$f,'tablen'}; #---------------------------------------------------------------- # When the field is a sortkey then we make it a sort/unsort link #---------------------------------------------------------------- if ($field{$f,'sortkey'}) { $sorted = ""; $sort_param = "&Order0=$f"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- # already sorted on this sortkey? flag it and then link unsorts #---------------------------------------------------------------- for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { if ($f eq $in{"Order$i"}) { $sorted = "[$i]"; $sort_param = "&" . "wdb_undef_Order$i=$f"; } } print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } } #----------------------- # Now do the unitlabels #----------------------- print "\n\n"; foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( &FieldInTab( $f ) ) { if ( $output_mode eq 'table') { $len = $field{$f,'tablen'}; ### Oleg ### Broaden a selection. This requires more work !!! print " \n"; } print "$sorted \n"; } } } print "\n\n"; # blank row for looks } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Print a row in tabular output format. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrintTabVars { local (%val) = @_; print "\n"; foreach $f ( @fields ) { if ( &FieldInTab( $f ) ) { $value = &Value( $f, $val{$f} ); if ($field{$f,'type'} eq 'char') { print "\n"; } elsif ($field{$f,'type'} eq 'bool') { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } } } print "\n"; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Decides if a field should be included in tabular output. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS 0 or 1 for yes or no. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #sub FieldInTab #{ # local ($f) = @_; # Field name # # return 0 if defined $field{$f,'hidden'}; # always suppress hidden # return 1 if defined $field{$f,'forcetab'}; # always show forcetab # return 1 if ($in{"tab_$f"} eq 'on'); # show if user requests it # return 1 if $in{'extra_columns'} =~ /(\\0|^)$f(\\0|$)/; # # if ( $action eq "default") { # show default field for default query # return 1 if defined $field{$f,'default'}; # } # return 0 if defined $field{$f,'no_tab'}; # always suppress no_tab # return 0; # otherwise don't show it in the table #} sub FieldInTab { local ($f) = @_; # Field name return 1 if defined $field{$f,'forcetab'}; return 1 if $in{"tab_$f"}; return 1 if $in{'extra_columns'} =~ /(\\0|^)$f(\\0|$)/; if ( $key_args || $action eq "default" || $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET'){ return 0 if defined $field{$f,'hidden'}; return 1 if ! defined $field{$f,'no_query'} && ! defined $field{$f,'no_tab'}; } return 0; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Decides if a field should be included in full output. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS 0 or 1 for yes or no. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub FieldInFull { local ($f) = @_; # Field name return 0 if defined $field{$f,'hidden'}; return 0 if defined $field{$f,'no_full'}; return 1; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Compute output value of field (eval enums, pictures etc. ..) # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS New value; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub Value { local( $f, $val ) = @_; local( $newval, $oldval ); print DEBUG "Value : $f : $val " if $debug; $oldval = $val; if ( $field{$f,'from_db'} ) { print DEBUG "(from_db)" if $debug; $val = eval $field{$f,'from_db'}; if ( $@ ) { print "Error in $f 's 'from_db' attribute :

\n $@\n"; print "Please report this error.\n"; die "Exiting...\n"; } } if ( $field{$f,'enum'} ) { print DEBUG "(enum)" if $debug; # ( $newval ) = $field{$f,'enum'} =~ /^.*$oldval=([^,]*)/; $field{$f,'enum'} =~ /(^|,)$oldval=([^,]*)(,|$)/; $newval = $2; # $val = $newval if ( $newval ); $val =~ s/$oldval/$newval/ if ( $newval ); } if ( $field{$f,'enum_multiple'} ) { print DEBUG "(enum_multiple)" if $debug; # ( $newval ) = $field{$f,'enum_multiple'} =~ /^.*$oldval=([^,]*)/; $field{$f,'enum_multiple'} =~ /(^|,)$oldval=([^,]*)(,|$)/; $newval = $2; # $val = $newval if ( $newval ); $val =~ s/$oldval/$newval/ if ( $newval ); } if ( $val eq 'NULL' || (defined $SPEC_NULL{$field{$f,'type'}} && $SPEC_NULL{$field{$f,'type'}} eq $val) ) { $val = $NULL_VALUE; if ( $output_mode eq 'table' && $field{$f,'tablen'} ) { $val = sprintf("%-$field{$f,'tablen'}.$field{$f,'tablen'}s", $val); } else { $val = sprintf("%-$field{$f,'length'}s", $val); } print DEBUG "(null)" if $debug; print DEBUG "= $val\n" if $debug; return $val; } #------------------------------- # Adjust output length of value #------------------------------- if ( $output_mode eq 'table' && $field{$f,'tablen'} ) { $val = sprintf("%-$field{$f,'tablen'}.$field{$f,'tablen'}s", $val); } else { $val = sprintf("%-$field{$f,'length'}s", $val); } if ( $field{$f,'url'} && $output_mode eq 'table' ) { print DEBUG "(url)" if $debug; $url = &eval_attr( $f,'url'); $val = "$val" if $url; } if ( $field{$f,'full_url'} && $output_mode eq 'full' ) { print DEBUG "(url)" if $debug; $url = &eval_attr( $f,'full_url'); $val = "$val" if $url; } print DEBUG "= $val\n" if $debug; return $val; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Evaluate an attribute using 'eval' - with error handling etc. # #.REMARKS Dies on error. # #.RETURNS The return value of the 'eval' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub eval_attr { local($f, $attr, $val) = @_; local($ret); if ( $field{$f,$attr} ) { $ret = eval $field{$f,$attr}; if ( $@ ) { print "Error in $f"."'s '$attr' attribute :

\n $@\n"; print "Please report this error.\n"; die "Exiting...\n"; } } else { $ret = $val; } return $ret; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Generate the "menu" for the form, and result pages. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS nothing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub write_menu { print "

\n"; if ( $action eq "form" ) { print ""; print " "; print "\"[Help]\""; } else { $self_form = "$WDB/$dbdir/$formname/form?".$wdb_query->query_string; print " "; print "\"[Query]\""; print " "; print "\"[Help]\""; } if ( $MAIN_MENU ) { print " "; print "\"[Home]\""; } if ( $user_menu) { print $user_menu; } print "

"; } sub add_menu { local ($text, $href, $img) = @_; $user_menu .= " "; if ( $img ) { $user_menu .= "\"[$text]\""; } else { $user_menu .= "[$text]"; } $user_menu .= ""; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Convert SGML special Character codings into ASCII # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS The converted string #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub SGMLtoASCII { local ($str) = @_; $str =~ s/>/>/g; $str =~ s/</=/g; return( $str ); } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #.PURPOSE Encodes a string so it doesn't cause problems in URL. # #.REMARKS # #.RETURNS The encoded string #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub cgi_encode { local ($str) = @_; $str = &escape($str,'[\x00-\x20"#%/+;<>?\x7F-\xFF]'); $str =~ s/ /+/g; return( $str ); } # =========================================================================== # escape(): Return the passed string after replacing all characters matching # the passed pattern with their %XX hex escape chars. Note that # the caller must be sure not to escape reserved URL characters # (e.g. / in pathnames, ':' between address and port, etc.) and thus # this routine can only be applied to each URL part separately. E.g. # # $escname = &escape($name,'[\x00-\x20"#%/;<>?\x7F-\xFF]'); # sub escape { local($str, $pat) = @_; $str =~ s/($pat)/sprintf("%%%02lx",unpack('C',$1))/ge; return($str); } # =========================================================================== # unescape(): Return the passed URL after replacing all %NN escaped chars # with their actual character equivalents. # sub unescape { local($url) = @_; $url =~ s/%(..)/pack("C",hex($1))/ge; return $url; } __END__ #.COPYRIGHT NOTICE # ========================================================================== # Copyright Bo Frese Rasmussen 1994 - All Rights Reserved # Copyright European Southern Observatory(ESO) 1994 - All Rights Reserved # Copyright Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility(ST-ECF) 1994 # - All Rights Reserved # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer # appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of the copyright # holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to # distribution of the software without specific, written prior # permission. # # BO FRESE RASMUSSEN, EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY, AND OTHER # CONTRIBUTORS OF THIS SOFTWARE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO # THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL BO FRESE # RASMUSSEN, EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR BE # LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The escape and unescape functions are taken from the wwwurl.pl package # developed by Roy Fielding as part of the Arcadia # project at the University of California, Irvine. It is distributed # under the Artistic License (included with your Perl distribution # files). # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

self_url . $sort_param; print "\">$field{$f,'label'} $sorted $field{$f,'label'}
"; if ( defined $wdb_query->param( $f ) && $in{$f} ne "") { print "self_url . "&wdb_undef_$f=".&cgi_encode($val{$f}); print "\">Any"; ### print " ", ($field{$f,'unitlabel'} ? $field{$f,'unitlabel'} : " "), "